
Our Mission

The mission of Four Directions Development Corporation is to improve the social and economic conditions of the Native American tribes in Maine — the Maliseet, Mi’kmaq, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot — through education and investment in affordable housing, tribal business ventures, and Native entrepreneurship.

WCTI Footer
Wabanaki Cultural Tourism Initiative

Enhancing tourism and creating economic opportunities for the Tribal Nations in the State of Maine.

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Whether you want to buy a house, start a business, or organize finances, FDDC will help to reach your goals.

Whether you want to buy a house, start your own business, or organize your finances, Four Directions Development Corporation will work with you to reach your goals. We’ll work with your tribe or nonprofit to finance facilities, housing development or a tribally-owned business. We can deliver confidential, high quality consulting to build your organization and business capabilities.

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