Native Artisan Grant Fund
FDDC’s mission includes supporting Native Artisans to improve the social and economic conditions among the Wabanaki people of Maine. To do so, FDDC has developed the Artisan Grant Fund to meet the working capital needs of these artisans. Along with the grant program, FDDC strongly encourages artisans to participate in technical assistance (TA) programs, including its Financial Capability program, to build personal credit and budget skills. The following describes the Artisan Grant Fund program eligibility, application process, and guidelines for approving artisan grants.
Artisan supports
FDDC’s Artisan Grant Fund is a cash grant of up to $2,000 to support Native artisans in meeting their working capital needs, which will significantly impact their artisan business growth.
Applicants must be individual artisan business owners or artisan entrepreneurs and may submit only one application per year. Organizations are not eligible to apply. At the time an application is submitted and the grant is awarded, an applicant must be:
- 18 years of age or older (if less than 18 years, must have an adult sponsor)
- Resident of Maine
- Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
- 2023 grant recipient ineligible

Eligibility Criteria
This grant is available to artists to develop their artistic entrepreneurship. An opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activities directly related to the advancement of their work. Such activities may include marketing, operations, and support. Keep in mind you will be asked to describe how engaging in developing your artistic entrepreneurship will advance your work. Further, your artistic entrepreneurship activities should not duplicate previous work or experiences but should represent a new or further develop your artistic entrepreneurial endeavor.
Grant funds may be used for any of the following (this list is not comprehensive):
- Equipment purchases, materials, or services needed to fulfill/engage in business development.
- Rental fees, including equipment, instruments, facilities (including short-term space and studio rentals), etc.
- Preparation, freight, and/or shipping costs.
- Travel necessary to engage in events and festivals, as well as associated costs.
- Registration fees.
- Professional service fees include bookkeeping, legal, human resources, marketing, etc.
Grant funds cannot be used for any artistic or entrepreneurial activities that take place before the start date of the grant funding period and/or after the end of the grant year (September 30, 2024). If your artistic, entrepreneurial activities start before or end after the funding period, you are still eligible to apply and should articulate the full timeline in your application. However, you may only request and use grant funds for related activities taking place within the funding period.
Stay tuned for updates on the 2025 application process
Find more details about the Native Artisan Grant Fund and the steps for application below:
- Download and complete the application before May 31st.
- Completed applications can be submitted below, sent via email to FDDC’s Business Program Manager, Preston Thomas, or mailed to: